App for
medical staffs

LemonCare Plus
A Smart Work platform that supports information sharing and
real-time communication through medical devices and employee mobile devices.

Implementing Smart Work to
improve efficiencies

You can use your smart device to
do your work anytime, anywhere.

Easy checking of patient information
on the mobile system

You can search for detailed patient information conveniently

Simple cooperative treatment on the mobile platform
Easier processing though mobile platforms, making the collaboration process between medical staff more efficient.

Operation schedules are
alsoavailable though
the mobile platform

You can check surgery
schedules such as anesthesia
time and
surgery completion time
on your mobile device.

With one touch,
you can check complex
schedules at a glance

Communication and collaboration support systems enable flexible responses to emergencies.

Quick access to information
through the integrated medical
information system

Links medical information such as EMR, OCS, etc.,
and promptly checks on a patient’s medical condition, etc.